当前正在播放的是《暴力相关》高清完整版,本站完全免费,请勿相信任何与影片无关的广告!该片是由著名导演GöranOlsson 的一部精彩的电影 情 类影视作品,主演有未知等,本片主要讲述的是繼好評如潮的《黑力量集錦帶1967-1975》後,奧臣再一次發揮剪輯的力量,走進瑞典電視資料庫,藉大量新聞片,展示非洲各國在二次世界大戰後前仆後繼的民族獨立運動。Lauryn Hill有力唸出法農的《地球上的苦命人》的關鍵文本,指出殖民主義的暴力本質,引發更多暴力衝突份屬必然。奧臣發掘革命新意象,如黑色維納斯的斷臂女人,在森林進行拯救戰士手術,都是深刻震撼的鏡頭,再配以葡語民歌及鏗鏘爵士樂,把九個反帝反殖自衛場景重塑過來。柏林影展法爾賓達電影獎。 Göran Hugo Olsson returns to the Sundance Film Festival (The Black Power Mixtape 1967–1975 played in the World Cinema Documentary Competition in 2011) with this bold, fresh, and compelling visual narrative about the African liberation struggles of the 1960s and 1970s. Concerning Violence combines newly discovered archival material depicting some... » About the Director Göran Hugo Olsson's previous film at the Sundance Film Festival, The Black Power Mixtape 1967–1975, won the 2011 Documentary Editing Award and became a huge hit in festivals and theatres and on... » Cast and Credits Director: Göran Hugo Olsson Producers: Annika Rogell, Tobias Janson Co, Producers: Joslyn Barnes, Danny Glover, Monica Hellström, Miia Haavisto Editors: Michael Aaglund, Dino Jonsäter, Göran Hugo Olsson, Sophie Vukovic Art Director: Stefania Malmsten Assistant Director: Sophie Vukovic Associate Producer: Corey Smyth Principal Cast: Narrated by Lauryn Hill
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