我们独自一人 Noi Soli

西方伦理  意大利  2018 



当前正在播放的是《我们独自一人 Noi Soli》高清完整版,本站完全免费,请勿相信任何与影片无关的广告!该片是由著名导演Francesco Alessandro Cogliati 的一部精彩的西方伦理 类影视作品,主演有Luigi/Fedele/Fabrizia/Sacchi/Milutin/Dapcevic/等,本片主要讲述的是Giulio, a teenage boy lives with his father. He is in love with his mother, Agnese because her hands were the first to welcome him. He reminds the last weekend they spent together. She takes care but doesn't love, she's lost in her thoughts and doesn't let anyone get closer, not even him. Two days to understand each other, two days to love each other, and to leave in the end. At her funeral, he steals the hearse and drives away.

同时该系列还有以下影片值得推荐: 《禁止性爱:梦遗》 《箱中女》 《做爱的鱼》 《情迷格蕾丝》 《不法奸禁:三人刑》 《灵与肉1992》


我们独自一人 Noi Soli
